what companies does amazon own

What Companies Does Amazon Own?

Amazon owns several companies across different sectors including Twitch, Audible, Whole Foods Market, Ring, Echo speakers, and others.

Amazon has become one of the world’s most influential companies, It’s the largest online retailer in the world and a pioneer of e-commerce business models.

But what companies does Amazon own and who owns Amazon?

In this blog post, we’ll uncover what companies does Amazon own and explore its fascinating history and growth over time.

What Companies Does Amazon Own?

Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, owns an extensive portfolio of companies that span various industries. Let’s have a quick overview of major companies owned by Amazon.

1. The Entertainment World

Amazon owns a variety of companies in the entertainment world, such as Twitch, Amazon Studios, Audible, and more.

Twitch is an incredibly popular video streaming platform that allows users to watch live streams of their favorite players and games.

Amazon Studios produces films and television series for digital distribution on its streaming services.

Audible is an audiobook company that provides customers with access to thousands of titles from multiple publishers.

2. Grocery Industry

Amazon has also made a significant mark in the grocery industry with its acquisition of Whole Foods Market.

This organic grocery chain has been one of the most successful acquisitions in Amazon’s history and has allowed them to expand into this lucrative sector of the market.

3. Tech Companies

Amazon is a leader in the tech industry with its ownership of several companies.

These include Ring, a popular provider of smart home security systems; Amazon Web Services, which provides cloud computing services for businesses; and Amazon Devices, which designs and manufactures hardware devices like the Echo speakers and Fire TV sticks.

When Was Amazon Founded?

With humble beginnings in July 1994, Jeff Bezos founded Amazon.com, initially having a staff of just a handful of employees.

Since then, the company has grown rapidly, expanding into multiple categories of products and services, including cloud computing and even brick-and-mortar retail stores.

Today, Amazon is synonymous with convenience, speed, and customer satisfaction – and it all started with a vision to create an online bookstore that would change the way the world shops forever.

Who Owns Amazon?

Amazon is owned by its founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos.

As of June 2020, he holds a total of 57.3 million shares in the company, which makes him the largest individual shareholder with an 11.2% stake in the business.

Who is the CEO of Amazon?

Jeff Bezos is the founder and current CEO of the behemoth e-commerce platform, Amazon.

Born in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1964, Bezos went on to attend Princeton University and worked in various roles in the tech industry.

In 1994, he started Amazon as an online bookstore in his garage.

Today, Amazon is a household name, operating in over 180 countries and boasting a market capitalization of over $1 trillion.

Bezos’ leadership has been key to Amazon’s success, as he’s seen the company grow from a simple online bookstore to a major player in cloud computing, digital streaming, and hardware devices.

What is the Amazon’s Net Worth?

According to Forbes, Amazon’s net worth is a staggering $1.7 trillion as of October 2021.

The company’s success can be attributed to its constant innovation and groundbreaking technologies, which have made it a crucial part of our daily lives.

It’s no wonder that Amazon continues to reign as one of the most powerful tech companies, with a bright future ahead.

Where is the Headquarters of Amazon?

Amazon is one of the world’s largest online retailers, its headquarters are located in Seattle, Washington.

That’s right, nestled in Seattle’s bustling South Lake Union neighborhood is the sprawling campus that serves as Amazon’s home base.

The headquarters is a unique place, boasting a variety of buildings, including a glass biosphere shaped like a dome and a distinctive sphere-shaped structure that serves as an alternative workspace.

What is the Annual Revenue of Amazon?

Amazon recorded annual revenue of $513.983 billion for the year 2022, which was a 9.4% increase from 2021.

To put things into perspective, in 2020, Amazon raked in a whopping $386 billion in revenue, which is more than the GDP of many small countries.

What’s more astonishing is that the company managed to achieve this feat amid a pandemic-induced economic downturn.

Amazon’s success is a testament to its shrewd business tactics, loyal customer base, and unwavering commitment to providing the best-in-class products and services.

How Many Employees Does Amazon Have?

Amazon continues to be one of the world’s largest companies and employs over 1.2 million people worldwide.

While these numbers may seem overwhelming, it is worth noting that Amazon also provides an unlimited amount of opportunities for people from all walks of life.

For those who are interested in joining the ranks of this incredible workforce, they should look to their strengths and passions when considering potential career paths.

Final Thoughts

Amazon is an incredibly powerful company that has its hands in a variety of different industries.

From groceries to entertainment and tech, Amazon owns some of the most successful companies in the business world.

Understanding its ownership structure can help us understand how vast and diverse its portfolio is, and how influential they have become.


What Does Amazon Do?

Amazon’s business includes an online marketplace, cloud computing solutions, digital streaming services, retail stores, whole foods market, twitch, smart home devices, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and much more.

Can I Sell Whatever I Want on Amazon?

Yes, you can sell whatever you want on Amazon as long as you meet standards that must be met for products to be sold on its site.

Can I Sell Products on Amazon Without Company?

Yes, you can sell products on Amazon without a company. This is known as “sole proprietorship”.

Can an Amazon Seller Sell Different Products?

Yes, an Amazon seller can sell different products on the platform.

Does Amazon Pay You to Sell?

No, Amazon does not pay you to sell on its platform. However, as a seller, you will make money from the sales of your products.

Can I Sell Two Brands on Amazon?

Yes, you can sell two brands on Amazon if both are registered with the company. You have to list and sell products from both brands on Amazon.


